Income Base Repayments Student Debt Forgiveness Rehabilitation of Loans & Defaults Postponement and Payments Suspension Private Loans Resolution
There are many circumstances in which people end up with debts that are negatively affecting their lives. For each person and circumstance there is a strategy, that is why we strive to know your particular and important situation, your financial objectives, in order to offer you the optimal program that offers you to leave debts as quickly as possible with the lowest cost, both financial, as in lifestyle. is your best advisor in student loan cases. Assists and educates consumers to understand the options and find the most effective solution for those who are qualified, for their student debt. Once consumers are qualified and ready for registration we facilitate the consolidation process from 60 to 90 days, while the members of our highly trained team will build the presentation package of all the necessary documents, which will be sent to you to approval and signature.